
Posts Tagged ‘North Africa’

The Statue of Liberty front shot, on Liberty I...

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I was born in Manchester England  .  My Father  British and my Mother  : Welsh.She grew up in Rural Wales.  Dads’ father was a postman.  In  WW2  Dad was  a  Medic   in North Africa.

In  my heart I feelI was born a second time and that was  on the streets of  New York and t hen died again  when my father  when my father took me to a   K.K.K   rally.

Everyone hears about

, ” The American  Dream” .  Isn’t that what all

Immigrants wish for?

But the truth is that we don’t all  find  that.   On the opposite side of the American Dream is the American Nightmare.

Teenage Members of  Kurdish Gangs in Nashville

Gang Membership

Human Trafficking

The Immigrant owner of a  Store that is  robbed.


Anti Immigrant Sentiment towards the Mexicans

Anti-Muslim Sentiment.  Mosque Burnings. Bomb Threats.

This is an old quote from an early Italian Immigrant from the 1920’s New York.

“I came to America because I heard the streets were paved with gold. When I got here, found out three things: First, the streets weren’t paved with gold; second, they weren’t paved at all: and third, I was expected to pave them.”

few gave up and returned home.


I feel the same way.

I was born here.

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